AOP4Water was created to solve the problems of (waste)water treatment (urban and industrial wastewater, drinking water, rainwater and grey water) by proposing sustainable and innovative solutions that meet customer needs.

Preliminary Design

Pilot Tests




Specialized Consultancy

Preliminary Design

The complexity of aqueous matrices and target pollutants often makes preliminary dosing a necessary step to propose a solution and an adequate offer to the customer. Our team of professors, engineers and specialized technicians is able to carry out a preliminary design with a corresponding ad hoc offer to fulfil the customer’s needs.

Pilot Tests

Sometimes the complexity of the aqueous matrix to be treated and the lack of consolidated solutions capable of fully satisfying the needs of the market make pilot tests necessary to identify the most appropriate solution. AOP4Water is able to provide plants for pilot tests, as well as the professionalism and skills to carry out the tests and necessary chemical, physical and (micro)biological analyses (Photo 1). The investigated solutions can also be compared through an estimate of investment and management costs for full scale application, and the support of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool, in order to identify a compromise solution between economic and environmental sustainability.


According to the preliminary design or the results of the pilot tests, the AOP4Water team can design the full-scale plant.


Sometimes solutions for the treatment of complex aqueous matrices include a multi-barrier solution in which the products developed by AOP4Water must be integrated with other processes and technologies. AOP4Water, thanks to its extensive network of partner companies, is able to integrate its own technologies with those of partner companies according to the specific needs, in order to offer the customer the best solution, as well as building/installing all the necessary treatment units/technologies.


The upgrading of an existing (waste)water treatment plant or the construction of a new one requires adequate staff training, which AOP4Water provides to its customers thanks to its highly specialized team.

Specialized consultancy

AOP4Water also provides specialized consultancy for the solution of complex environmental problems, in particular related to water and wastewater quality and treatment.